Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Settling In

The dust is finally starting to settle around the Keller household as we are all beginning to find our routines. I started back to work yesterday, which means that Amy is managing Evan’s needs all on her own during the day. She survived yesterday with even a little energy to spare. Needless to say, this is going to be a busy time for her.

Amy had her two week postpartum doctor appointment yesterday afternoon. Everything checked out fine and she is recovering more everyday. While she might not be ready for jogging yet, not much else slows her down.

Evan is continuing to grow back towards his birth weight. He is scheduled to visit the doctor on Thursday afternoon for the official weigh-in. We are crossing our fingers. The unofficial scale still shows him around 7 pounds, 11 ounces, so we still have about 6 more ounces to go over the next 3 days.

We are still trying to figure out this whole sleep/wake thing. Now Evan likes to stay awake after his middle of the night feedings. Amy and I are probably going to be caught up on the last eight seasons of CSI before he starts sleeping better.

Oh, apparently I have turned another year older today. The birth of our healthy son is the best present that I could ever ask for!

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