Wow – it’s been almost 2 months since we posted updates to the blog. To our avid readers, so sorry! Let’s just say between work and raising Evan, we still haven’t figured out how to do much else.
It’s been a very busy couple of months in the Keller household. First, for those who don’t know, Brad’s company was recently acquired by a larger consulting firm, TranSystems. The deal took almost a year when all was said and done and it was a tough decision for Aegis, but it went very smoothly and looks very promising for Brad and the rest of the Aegis staff. Amy started back to work at Humana and although it’s very tough to be away from Evan during the day, the transition was not as bad as she was expecting and she’s adjusting well. We’re very lucky in that Brad’s mom, Sally, has offered to care for Evan for a few months until we get out of cold and flu season and Amy adjusts to her new schedule. We feel very blessed to have this opportunity (and we think Gramma likes spending the time with her second grandson).

As for Evan, he’s getting bigger every day and is doing great! You won’t believe how much he’s changed since the last posting (I can’t even believe it looking back at the pics). Since the last post Evan had his first Halloween dressed as a banana (his cousin Carter was the monkey), and also had his first airplane ride and trip to Colorado. He was a trooper and did great in the airplanes and in the mountains. The altitude never seemed to bother him. He also just celebrated his first Thanksgiving (check out the turkey pic) and was very spoiled by his G&G Rozek and aunties and uncles who came in town to visit. It was a fun weekend and we were so happy to have all of them visit.

Evan’s development has really taken off recently too. His motor skills improve every day and he’s able to hold and play with his toys and is now reaching for objects. He just started rolling from him tummy to his back and he’s getting really close to rolling the other way. Seems it could be any day now. He’s now eating rice cereal like a big boy and LOVES it. I swear he knows when I’m making it by the bowl and spoon so he starts whining, opening his mouth and reaching for the bowl. He even tries to hold the spoon – of course making a huge mess for mommy. He whines in between each bite because it just doesn’t come fast enough! Unfortunately his acid reflux and spitting up are still pretty bad. It doesn’t seem to bother him too much except laying on his back (which makes for sleeping during the night interesting). We think it’s just going to be a matter of waiting until it passes on its own. Oh, and we will have to apologize to him some day for his bad hair genes. Poor thing now has a Mohawk, after having lost everything on the sides and back. We just have to hope it grows back in quickly for the little guy.
Evan turned 4 months last week! Next is the big Christmas holiday season! Evan can’t wait for Santa to come. Something tells me he’ll be very spoiled, since he’s been such a good boy this year.