Sunday, February 7, 2010

First Day at Day Care

Evan officially started day care this past Thursday. We have been blessed the past 3 months to have his grandmother watch him during the week. However, now that he's becoming a big boy, it is time for him to start going to "school".

Amy did a great job preparing Evan for day care. Everything has been labeled and tagged with his name (kind of like the military). Extra diapers and wipes have been purchased and delivered to the little shelf with his name on it.

Amy was also very strong when we had to leave him in the classroom for the first time. Evan, on the other hand, was completely fascinated by all of the new toys and sounds. I'm not sure that he even noticed when we left the room. According to his report card (and the redness in his eyes), his naps have been a little limited these first few days.

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