Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Growing Boy!

Evan recently passed his 7 month milestone and is doing great! At his 6 month doctor checkup he weighed 15 lbs (30th percentile – little peanut!) and is 24 inches long (50th percentile). Doc says he’s fantastic (ok, those are mom’s words)!

E started daycare in early February. He’s getting the hang of it and seems to like it, although he has decided to boycott naps. He only gets about an hour’s worth (total!) of naps a day. They try but he just won’t go to sleep. Guess there is just too much new fun stuff to check out. He’s also gotten his share of the daycare germs already – has had a runny nose (among other things) since about day 1. Oh well, guess it comes with the territory. Brad and I sure realize how easy we had it with Gramma watching him every day!

He’s getting to be such a big boy. He’s rolling all over the place now and is starting to figure out how to scoot a little bit and maybe even trying to figure out how to get up on his knees. It’s pretty cute watching him try to figure it out. Looks like he’s analyzing his form and trying to remember what he sees his friends at day care doing! He’s sitting up like a champ too – almost doesn’t need any support behind him. He has adopted a cute little dance too that looks like he’s doing the jive with his head. Definitely his mommy’s boy! He’s eating all kinds of fruits and veggies now – the latest is asparagus and cauliflower. He’ll eat just about anything but would take any fruit in a heartbeat – and you can’t give him the fruit too early in the meal or he’ll cry if you try to give him the veggies. Little stinker!

Brad and I are having a blast and enjoying every minute!

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